Our Services
Secure, Streamline, Succeed
Every package we create is fixed-priced with a set result. There are no surprises on the use of hours or what is getting done.
The fixed price package is your budget. And we ensure that the work is managed so that we come in at that budget. There are no surprises on the use of hours or what is going to get done. Any additional one-off projects or additional work that would push the services outside of the normal budget, will be quoted separately in order to accommodate the scale of the additional workload.
Every client is assigned a Byte Moth vCOO and your vCOO is responsible for managing every aspect of your workload and coordinating with our team to get the job done.
Jump Start - $100/hr
Do you want to get a jump start on your business security? This Jump Start hour is designed to do that for you.
The Byte Moth Jump Start will help you start your cyber security program in a highly focused 60-minute session.
During your jump-start, your assigned Byte Moth team will spend 60 minutes with you on Zoom to identify and complete one item on your business security plan.
What can we work on?
Review 1 Tool and Build Your Disaster Recovery Plan for the data housed in the application. (or)
Review 1 Process in detail, document the current state, and identify both process and security gaps. (or)
Build the basics of your business cyber security plan. (or)
Spend 60 minutes diving into a specific technical issue you are currently having. (or)
Determine what you need to focus on first.
No idea where to start? No problem. Before your session, we will work with you to identify your security needs and plan your jump-start.