Every business is a target for criminals.
Attacks can be quick and you won’t know what hit you until it’s too late.
It’s time to start preparing your business. The first step is Track Your Tech.
Track Your Tech is the first step to transform your business from disorganized lists, overwhelming applications, and data everywhere to a streamlined protected system that connects everything together.
Know what you have, Know where you spend your money, and protect your business from a disaster.
Track Your Tech
Every business is a target for criminals. Attacks can be quick and you won’t know what hit you until it’s too late.
Your business needs to have protection in place that fits seamlessly with your current processes and protection that is designed to get you back up and running when a criminal attacks.
To start securing your business, you need to know what technology (hardware and software) you are using and what data you have where. You need knowledge and information but you don’t need to struggle to collect the information you need. Learn how to track your tech quickly and use the provided Byte Moth template to replicate our process.
In this training, you’ll learn how to identify the hardware, software, and websites you use in your business and begin to develop and implement a solid cyber security plan for your business.
Retake this course?
Retaking this course from the beginning will reset all of your tracked progress.